The MLBTB Travel Soccer Program is for the player looking for more intensity and competition.
The focus of the Travel program is to develop players through competition with other town clubs throughout Northern New Jersey. All travel teams are trained by a dedicated professional trainer with support from volunteer parent coaches. Teams are entered into "flights" to compete against similarly talented teams within their age group from other towns. Playing on a Travel Team requires a commitment from both the participant and their parents. All players are expected to attend all practices, games, and up to 2 tournaments per season.
Schedule: Outdoor practices are at RVA. The League sets the game schedule, typically close to the start of the season. Parent coaches will receive the game schedule as soon as the Club does, and they will circulate it to parents right away.
Length of Season: Our teams compete in a 10 game season in the Fall and most also play in the Spring. Travel teams practice two times during the school week and often once on Saturdays. Weekday practice occurs between 4pm – 7pm in the Fall and 5pm – 8pm in the Spring.
Game locations: There are 5 home and 5 away games each season, always on Sundays. Home games are played at RVA Fields. Our teams participate in the Morris County Youth Soccer Association League, and occasionally play teams from Essex, Somerset, Sussex and Warren counties as far as an hour away.
Tryouts: Tryouts are held in April/May to form teams for the Fall Season. Team rosters are capped based on the number of players on the field (7v7, 9v9, and 11v11) plus a required number of substitutes. Players are guaranteed their roster spots for both seasons. There may be opportunities for players who did not tryout or who were not selected for a team to join a Travel team for the Spring season if players are lost due to other commitments, injury, etc. In the Spring, players will be placed on teams based on order of registration as/if space allows.
Cost: If your child is offered a position on a Travel team and accepts, registration will be paid at that time. The fee includes game and league fees, insurance, one tournament entry, professional trainers at practice, and game day coaching by the trainer. Uniforms are an additional cost. There are no sibling discounts. Any family experiencing financial hardship can apply for a scholarship by emailing [email protected] and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
To register: Please log in to your account at the top of this page. If your child is offered a spot on a travel team, you will be asked for documentation necessary for league carding, which can be a lengthy process.